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How should rough texture decorative fabric be cleaned and maintained?

Cleaning and maintaining rough texture decorative fabric requires some specific care to preserve its appearance and quality. Here are some guidelines to help you clean and maintain rough texture decorative fabric:
Regular Vacuuming: Use a brush attachment or a handheld vacuum with a soft brush to gently remove loose dirt and dust from the fabric's surface. This should be done regularly to prevent dirt from settling into the fabric.
Spot Cleaning: If you notice any stains or spills on the fabric, it's important to address them promptly. Blot the area with a clean, white cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the spill as possible. Avoid rubbing the fabric vigorously, as this can damage the texture. Use a mild detergent or a fabric cleaner specifically designed for delicate fabrics. Test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't cause any discoloration or damage. Gently dab the stained area with the cleaner, working from the outer edges toward the center. Blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove the cleaning solution residue.

Dry Cleaning: For more extensive cleaning or for stubborn stains, it's recommended to take the fabric to a professional dry cleaner experienced in handling delicate materials. Inform the cleaner about the fabric's specific texture so they can use appropriate methods and solvents to clean it without causing damage.
Avoid Machine Washing: Rough texture decorative fabric is generally not suitable for machine washing. Agitating the fabric in a washing machine can cause the fibers to become tangled or damaged, altering the texture. It's best to stick to spot cleaning or professional dry cleaning methods.
Protect from Sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause fading and discoloration of the fabric. If possible, position your furniture or decorative items made with rough texture fabric away from direct sunlight or use curtains, blinds, or UV-protective film to shield them from the sun's rays.
Regular Maintenance: To keep the fabric looking its best, gently brush or shake off any loose dirt or dust. Avoid using abrasive brushes or harsh cleaning chemicals that can damage the texture. If the fabric has tassels or trims, ensure they are also kept clean and free from dust.
Storage: When not in use, store rough texture decorative fabric items in a clean, dry area. Avoid folding or storing them in a way that can cause creases or permanent folds. Use acid-free tissue paper or fabric dust covers to protect the fabric from dust and prevent color transfer if storing multiple items together.

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